Title: Rehabilitation of Historic Hillhurst (Louise) Bridge
Date: May-june, 1997
Volume: 42
Issue: 3
Page number: 22-31
Author(s): S. John Rust

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Precast/prestressed concrete was used very effectively from an architectural, structural, constructability and cost viewpoint to rehabilitate the 75-year-old Hillhurst (Louise) Bridge in Calgary, Alberta,  Canada. This historic five-span, spandrel wall arch structure is 172.21 m (565 ft) long with the length of each clear span equal to 32.0 m (105 ft). The total deck width is 19.6 m (64.3 ft). In the rehabilitation  ork, the following precast concrete components were used: (1) Precast, prestressed concrete deck panels; (2) Precast, concrete sidewalk support brackets; and (3) Precast concrete architectural  alustrades. Erection of the precast concrete components took only 31/2 months, finishing the project a week ahead of schedule. The total cost of rehabilitating the bridge was $5.1 million  (Canadian).