PCI develops, maintains and disseminates the Body of Knowledge for the precast concrete structures industry through councils, committees, subcommittees, and task groups. These four PCI Group types are made up of hundreds of volunteers representing all major stakeholders in the industry, collectively investing more than 30,000 hours annually.

Why Get Involved?

  • gain knowledge from and build relationships with professionals working in the industry and related fields.
  • personal and career growth including leadership development.
  • learn where the industry is going and the challenges it faces from a global viewpoint.
  • discuss common industry problems and find solutions that directly affect industry businesses.
  • provide input and influence in the development of PCI’s Body of Knowledge.


The PCI Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) set the overall direction, policies, priorities and budgets for the Institute.


Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: Ashley Fortenberry
Purpose: To provide a means for PCI producer members to interact and develop guidance for industry best business practices through the sustained development of committee strategy.
Mission: To provide PCI producer member companies access to the Body of Knowledge to achieve high returns on their investment through the organized exchange of business knowledge and experience.

Erectors Committee

Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: Chris Fortenberry, Bo Kusznir
Develops resources for the installation of precast concrete. (e.g. Erectors Safety Manual, Erectors Manual)

Field Safety Task Group

Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: Brandon Farley
Improves PCI documentation and programs with the express purpose of reducing field related accidents.

Financial/Risk Management Committee

Staff Liaison: John McConvill | Chair: Brandi Combs
Serves the needs of PCI members by developing tools to improve financial performance and mitigate business risk.

Plant Safety & Environmental Committee

Staff Liaison: John McConvill | Chair: Corey Olson, Anthony Gentry
Develops and shares information on regulatory issues, evaluates their effect on operations, and fosters management’s commitment to safe and healthy workplace.

Productivity Committee

Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: Wayne Maiuri
Advances precast concrete by providing a forum for producers to share ideas and best practices through educational opportunities and tours of members’ plants.

Sustainability Committee

Staff Liaison: Thomas Ketron | Chair: Matt Ballain

Workforce Development Committee

Staff Liaison: Cody Kauhl | Chair: Erin Clark
Supports and improves the recruitment and retention initiatives of PCI chapters and members’ businesses.


Staff Liaison: Becky King | Chair: Lloyd E. Kennedy
Purpose: To support educational activities committees and represent their programs on the PCI Board of Directors.
Mission: To coordinate and prioritize educational endeavors of the institute and ensure proper funding of prioritized programs.

Continuing Education Committee

Staff Liaison: Bekki Missaggia | Chair: Diep Tu
Creates, coordinates, and maintains PCI’s programs that support working professionals and PCI members.

Online Academy Committee

Staff Liaison: Bekki Missaggia | Chair: Jason P. Lien
Coordinates all PCI programs ideally suited for online delivery.

Student Education Committee

Staff Liaison: Bekki Missaggia | Chair: Wael Zatar
Creates, coordinates, and maintains PCI’s programs that support the academic Community.


Staff Liaison: Becky King | Chair: Corey Greika
Purpose: To develop and guide PCI marketing strategic planning.
Mission: To promote the benefits of precast concrete.

Ascent Advisory Committee

Staff Liaison: Tom Bagsarian | Chair: Megan Kocchi
To increase the reach of precast concrete within our targeted audience of architects, engineers, owners/developers, general contractors and students through the publication of a quarterly issue of Ascent magazine.

Market Research and Metrics Committee

Staff Liaison: Becky King | Chair: Brian Miller
Provide construction and precast industry market data to guide PCI and its members’ strategic marketing direction.

Marketing Communications Committee

Staff Liaison: Becky King | Chair: Terri Ward
To increase the awareness of precast in the marketplace with key target audiences through the dissemination of PCI precast marketing message through multiple channels of communications; including but not limited to programs such as PCI Design Awards, PCI monthly webinars for external audiences, PCI placed ceu articles, PR, industry trade-shows and PCI marketing collateral materials.


Staff Liaison: TBD | Chair: Colin Van Kampen
Purpose: To create and manage member value and monitor member satisfaction.
Mission: To be the steward of all PCI membership programs, including those that seek to increase the membership (member recruitment), those that seek to retain existing members (member retention), and those that seek to increase member participation (member engagement).

Associate Supplier/Service Committee

Staff Liaison: TBD | Chair: Jim Renda
Provide guidance to PCI on improving existing programs, practices and policies and other issues of concern to the Associate membership.

Membership Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Staff Liaison: TBD | Chair: Kristin Hagberg
To create awareness around the value of diversity and an atmosphere of inclusivity within our membership.

Leadership PCI

Staff Liaison: Royce Covington | Chair: Don Loew
Manages the Leadership PCI program, selects participants for each cohort based on yearly nominations, and organizes Leadership PCI events

Membership Committee

Staff Liaison: Philip McConnell | Chair: Matthew Huslig
To increase member participation via committee work, event attendance and member programs


Staff Liaison: Bart Krol | Chair: Mike Wolff
Purpose: To guide the overall Quality Activities programs through internal committee and external source interaction to result in the highest quality programs available to support the institutes programs and the construction community.
Mission: To oversee and provide strategic direction to PCI’s quality activity related committees and ensure continuous improvement of their programs through interaction with all PCI councils, committees, and other outside organizations.

Architectural Certification Sub-committee

Staff Liaison: Bart Krol | Chair: James Miller
Guides the Architectural Certification program through internal committee and external source interaction to result in the highest quality architectural program available to support institutes members and construction community.

Safeguarding Impartiality Committee

Staff Liaison: Ken Kwilinski | Chair: Mike Wolff
Fairly represent the industry's interest with regards to upholding PCI's Impartiality Policies and Procedures throughout the management system certification activities..

Plant Certification Committee

Staff Liaison: Bart Krol | Chair: Dillon Dudley
Formulates and administers the PCI Plant Certification program and develops quality manuals (e.g. MNL 116, MNL 117).

QA Supplier Committee

Staff Liaison: Bart Krol | Chair: Joel Sheets
To raise PCI members' awareness of national as well as supplier specific standards that impact how accessories are used in the fabrication, connection and erection of precast concrete products.

Erectors Certification Committee

Staff Liaison: Ken Kwilinski | Chair: Michael Hudgins
Develops and administers both the Erector Certification and Erector Qualification Programs in order to provide assurance that the product quality created by stringent factory conditions continues into the field during installation.

Quality Enhancement Committee

Staff Liaison: Bart Krol | Chair: Paul Ramsburg
Drives continuous improvement within all aspects of member companies to achieve a level of excellence exceeding PCI baseline requirements, further strengthening the value of membership in PCI (e.g. PCI QA 2020 Vision Program).

Tolerances Committee

Staff Liaison: Bart Krol | Chair: Keith Wallis, Jr.
Manages and oversees the body of knowledge associated with the construction tolerances in the precast concrete structures industry (e.g. Tolerance manual).

Quality Personnel Training & Certification Committee

Staff Liaison: Bart Krol | Chair: Michael Paris
Oversees PCI’s quality personnel training programs, including Certified Field Auditor training, Plant Quality Control training (Level I, Level II, Level III). Prepares and publishes all PCI texts associated with these trainings.


Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Andy Osborn
Purpose: To serve the institute membership, the other committees within the PCI organizational structure, and the science of construction in general with regard to research and development activities.
Mission: To identify the research and development programs necessary to advance the precast/prestressed concrete industry and the design of precast/prestressed concrete; to facilitate the research and development programs required to meet the identified needs; to fund and seek other sources of funding to support those programs; to administer those projects to completion; to ensure dissemination of the information from these programs to the institute and code-writing bodies.


Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Nathan Brooks
Oversee related research projects.

Standards Committee

Staff Liaison: Edith Gallandorm | Chair: Suzanne Aultman
ANSI accredited consensus committee


Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Richard Miller
Purpose: To serve as the authority on technical issues and content for PCI.
Mission: To be informed of, review and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for action on all technical activities of the Institute. To establish the procedures necessary to execute all Board approved tasks assigned to TAC. To develop and implement programs of technical activities necessary to carry out the PCI purposes and to meet the PCI goals. To implement appropriate technical projects requested by others.

Architectural Precast Concrete Committee

Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: Scott Davis
Develops resources for the production and design of architectural precast concrete (e.g. Architectural Precast Concrete Manual)

BIM Committee

Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: Wayne Kassian
Develops and reports information on the application of Building Information Modeling for precast concrete structures, while helping the precast industry use the latest technology, and aid in the development of that technology.

Blast Resistance and Structural Integrity Committee

Staff Liaison: Tim Cullen | Chair: Charles J. Oswald
Tracks developments in blast resistance and progressive collapse criteria and develops resources for the precast industry to meet the developing requirements. (e.g. Blast Resistance Design Manual)

Building Code Committee

Staff Liaison: Edith Gallandorm | Chair: David Schneider
Reviews the ACI Building Code and Model Codes as to their impact on precast and prestressed concrete. Develops committee reports as required on the use and interpretation of these codes and initiate changes in the codes where appropriate. (e.g. Standard Design Practice)

Concrete Materials Technology Committee

Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Dr. Kyle Riding
Proposes research topics, educates, and develops guidelines and standard practices related to concrete materials technology. The committee also serves as a resource in emerging and existing concrete materials technology. (e.g. SCC Guidelines)

Design Standard Committee

Staff Liaison: Edith Gallandorm | Chair: Suzanne Aultman
To develop and maintain a design specification.

Fire Committee

Staff Liaison: Edith Gallandorm | Chair: Ali Shrih
Monitors the effect of fire codes and rating, test and insurance requirements on precast and prestressed concrete. Provides information which will be of assistance in obtaining realistic fire requirements, fire ratings and insurance rates for precast and prestressed concrete (e.g. Fire Resistance Manual).

FRP Composites Committee

Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Alvin Ericson
Examines the use of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) reinforcement for precast and prestressed concrete and provides information on timely developments in the use, availability and behavior of these materials.

Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Committee

Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: Edward S. Knowles
To update and maintain PCI-128. To maintain the body of knowledge for the Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) including quality control standard and recommended practices. To provide support for broader use of GFRC products.

Hollow Core Committee

Staff Liaison: Tim Cullen | Chair: Chad Van Kampen
To help train and motivate Hollow Core producers in effective marketing of Hollow Core solutions, and initiate and employ any technical matters that effect Hollow Core (e.g. Hollow Core manual).

Industry Handbook Committee

Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Perry Schram
Develops each edition of the PCI Design Handbook. Committee changes with each division (e.g. 8th edition is currently in development)

Joint and Connection Details Committee

Staff Liaison: Tim Cullen | Chair: Matthew Peterson
Develops resources on standard connection details, including illustrations, capacity and calculations of listed capacities. Serve as a clearing house for industry connection problems and inquiries. (e.g. Connections Manual)

Journal Editorial Advisory Committee

Staff Liaison: Tom Klemens | Chair: Sri Sritharan
Serves as an advisory group for the PCI Journal and guides its editorial staff regarding technical issues, advertising and circulation promotion, and other pertinent matters.

Journal Awards Committee

Staff Liaison: Tom Klemens | Chair: John J. Myers
To select award papers in the categories of: construction / production / erection technology and design, design / research construction, State-of-the-Art precast and prestressed concrete, to young authors (40 years of age or younger) who write outstanding PCI Journal papers with concise knowledge and engineering expertise.

Parking Structures Committee

Staff Liaison: Tim Cullen | Chair: Dusty Andrews
Reviews current design and detailing practices for precast, prestressed parking structures and identifies and addresses problems in structural performance and durability. Develops reports and recommendations leading to improved design and construction procedures (e.g. Parking Structures Recommended Practice)

Precast Insulated Wall Panels Committee

Staff Liaison: Edith Gallandorm | Chair: Michael Milkovitz
Develops and updates recommendations for precast sandwich wall panels, with special attention to design recommendations for both cladding and load-bearing panels (e.g. SOA Sandwich Wall Panel Recommended Practice).

Prestressed Concrete Piling Committee

Staff Liaison: William N. Nickas | Chair: Mehedi Rashid
Study current practices in the design, manufacture and installation of prestressed concrete piling and develop technical reports that will help to expand usage and applications of prestressed concrete piling.

Prestressed Concrete Poles Committee

Staff Liaison: William N. Nickas | Chair: Robert Jason Coley
Develops resources for the design, fabrication and installation of prestressed concrete poles.

Prestressing Reinforcement Committee

Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Chris Reeve
To serve as the authority on technical issues and content related to prestressing reinforcement.

Professional Member Committee

Staff Liaison: Edith Gallandorm | Chair: Christopher Mosley
To serve as the authority on technical issues and content related to the professional membership.

Seismic Committee

Staff Liaison: Tim Cullen | Chair: Jon Mohle
Reviews and disseminates available data pertaining to precast prestressed concrete earthquake-resistant design and construction, and makes recommendations. Develops industry resources on seismic design (e.g. Seismic Design Manual).

Structural Design in UHPC Committee

Staff Liaison: Amy Trygestad | Chair: Christopher Mosley

Total Precast Systems Committee

Staff Liaison: Randy Wilson | Chair: James Sapp
Develops resources to help designers plan and build with integrated precast structural and envelope systems or "total precast buildings"


Staff Liaison: William N. Nickas | Chair: Troy Jenkins
Purpose: To develop and guide PCI activities relating to the transportation sector.
Mission: To promote and advance precast and precast/prestressed concrete solutions for all transportation related infrastructure.

Committee on Bridges

Chair: Julie Sarson
To provide a forum for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of concrete bridges.

Committee on Ports and Marine Structures

Chair: Catrina Walter
To provide recommended procedures/design guidelines for the specification, design, fabrication, construction, and maintenance of precast and prestressed concrete in ports and marine structures.

Pile Producers Committee

Chair: Jim Parkins
To provide a forum for pile producer sales and technical employees to discuss market barriers and challenges of precast, prestressed concrete piles for infrastructure, bridges, and building using the latest AASHTO, ACI, and IBC codes and relevant research.

Bridge Producers Committee

Chair: Lee Wegner
To provide a forum for bridge producers to discuss plant practices and discuss marketing opportunities.

Pavement Committee

Chair: TBD
To provide a forum for transportation professionals, designers, precasters and government owners to discuss technical aspects of prestressed concrete pavement bridges using the latest policies, specifications, and relevant research.

AASHTO LRFD Specifications Review & Implementation

Chair: Andy Mish
To provide a forum for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of concrete bridges using the latest AASHTO Code and relevant research.


Chair: Andrzej S. Nowak
To provide a forum for bridge designers and owners to discuss calibration using the latest AASHTO Code and relevant research.

Precast Post-Tensioned Bridges

Chair: Jesus Muro Villanueva
To provide a forum for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of spliced and curved precast concrete bridges using the latest AASHTO Code and relevant research.

Girder Stability

Chair: Rick Brice
To provide a forum for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of girder stability using the latest AASHTO Code and relevant research. To advance the use of PCI recommended practices through collaborative efforts with FHWA and state highway agencies.

Extreme Events

Chair: Tanarat Potisuk
To provide a forum for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of seismic design of precast concrete bridges using the latest AASHTO Code and relevant research.

UHPC Bridge Subcommittee

Chair: George Morcous
To provide a forum for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of utilizing UHPC for prestressed concrete bridges using the latest international codes and relevant research.

Adjacent Members

Chair: David Deitz
To provide a form for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of adjacent members using the latest AASHTO Code and relevant research.

Service Limit State

Chair: Silvio Garcia
To provide a form for bridge designers and owners to discuss technical aspects of prestress losses using the latest AASHTO Code and relevant research.