Title: Moment Resistant Connections and Simple Connections
Date: March-April, 1987
Volume: 32
Issue: 2
Page number: 62-74
Author(s): Charles W. Dolan, John F. Stanton, Richard G. Anderson
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The successful structural performance of precast concrete systems depends upon the connection behavior, The configuration of the connections affects the constructibility, stability, strength, flexibility and residual forces in the structure. Furthermore, connections play an important role in the dissipation of energy and redistribution of loads as the structure is loaded. The PCI Specially Funded Research and Development Programs 1 and 4 (PCI 1/4) focused on the actual behavior of commonly used connections. The two programs were combined in order to devote maximum effort to the physical testing of connections in common use. PCI 1/4 consisted of individual tests of eight simple connections, eight moment resisting connections and one moment resisting frame test. This condensed report summarizes the test program, describes the test specimens, and presents the basic findings and conclusions reached during the investigation. The Research Report' contains a complete description of the research program, as well as detailed descriptions of the individual tests.
1. Stanton, J. F., Anderson, R. G„ Dolan, C. W., and McCleary, D. E., "Moment Resistant Connections and Simple Connections," PCI Specially Funded Research and Development Program—Research Project No. 1/4. Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1886, 436 pp.
2. Uniform Building Code (1985 Edition), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), Whittier, California
3. PCI Design Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete, Third Edition, Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1985,