Event CodeTitleDateDescriptionBegin
25NCBC12025 NCBC Prestressed Concrete Bridge SeminarApril 15 – April 16, 2025 4/15/202525NCBC1Online Academy
OA25PCCD01Online Academy: Precast Concrete Connections DesignApril 30 – June 11, 2025Connections are fundamental to all buildings and construction no matter what material is used. The purpose of a connection is to transfer loads, restrain movement, and/or to provide stability to a component or an entire structure. As such, the design of connections is one of the most important aspects in the design and engineering of precast concrete structures. This class will cover the variety of design and performance criteria connections are required to meet, including strength, ductility, volume change accommodation, durability, fire resistance, constructability, tolerances, and seismic requirements. Typical precast concrete connection details will be reviewed and discussed in detail.4/30/2025OA25PCCD01Online Academy
OA25PCMD01Online Academy: Precast Concrete Mix DesignJune 25 – June 26, 2025This course is specific to needs of the precast, prestressed concrete industry. Good control of concrete mix design is crucial to producing quality precast structures. It is important for precast industry professionals, production facility technical personnel, design consultants, and department of transportation materials departments to have an understanding of concrete mix design. This series is intended to train someone with a basic understanding of concrete so that they can create a concrete mix design or evaluate the suitability of a mix for specific applications. During this series you will explore the mathematics and chemistry behind creating an absolute volume mix design, and how the proper raw materials, sequencing, and production processes can yield high quality concrete consistently. You will also learn to troubleshoot common mistakes in typical precast mix designs and how to avoid them, as well as adjust concrete mixes to compensate for negative external influences.6/25/2025OA25PCMD01Online Academy