The Membership Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee's mission is to create awareness around the value of diversity and an atmosphere of inclusivity within our membership.

This platform provides a space for our industry to stay relevant and healthy by fostering collaboration from a diverse group of contributors, thus producing creative solutions and the identification of more opportunities for members.

We look forward to your active participation in this initiative. If we can reduce our unconscious biases and provide equal access to opportunities and resources, our industry will continue to thrive.

Share your diversity strategy as a blog entry or any further questions about this committee at

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Recognition

Candidate Requirements

Membership DEI will accept nominations from member companies/organizations for recognition of their DEI initiatives. Nominated companies/organizations may have any numbers of employees. Each round of recognition will be based on an individual DEI theme described within the application.

Candidate Application

Any PCI member can nominate a candidate company/organization. Nominees will be chosen based on how well they fit the current theme. Each candidate must submit their application by the deadline listed below. Chosen Nominees will be recognized with a short slideshow running continuously at the membership area at Committee Days. 

Applications will close on August 1st of every year.

Nominate a Company

Latest DEI Blog Entries

Diversity vs Inclusion - Lauren G

Posted on 3/27/2023
Although these words are frequently substituted for one another, the reality is that they are inextricable, but not interchangeable.

Feminism and a Healthy Work Culture - Todd Adams

Posted on 3/27/2023
On the whole I see the men and women in our industry treating each other with dignity, kindness and respect. But there are some issues that several women have brought to my attention, including...

The Benefits of Diversity - Edgar Wong

Posted on 3/27/2023
Adaptability. It’s a concept that has become indistinguishably intertwined with the definition of success and is the touted competitive edge that today’s most influential CEOs site when asked about their company’s rise to power.

Diversity - Farah Piatek

Posted on 3/27/2023
I consider myself deaf first before my other identities even though I am a female and a first-generation child of Asian origin.

Barriers - Collin M

Posted on 9/2/2020
There seems to be widespread agreement that a more diverse office environment is a more productive office and environment. There is no doubt that the general population is growing more diverse. So why is it that our office environments in the...

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