Plant Quality Control Technicians

PCI Quality Control Schools train to the standards defined by plant quality control manuals MNL-116, Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Structural Pre­cast Concrete Products, and MNL-117, Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural Precast Concrete Products. Course textbooks, including the latest edition of TM-101, Quality Control Technician/Inspector Level I & II Training Manual, review those requirements and add additional commentary suitable for self-study and/or classroom instruction. Level I courses do not contain any material on prestressing. All of the prestressing material is covered in Level II. 

The PCI Plant Certification Program requires plants producing non-prestressed precast concrete products, including non-prestressed architectural concrete products, to have a certified PCI Level I QC Technician/Inspector on staff. PCI-certified plants that produce prestressed products, including prestressed architectural concrete, must have a certified PCI Level II QC Technician/Inspector on staff.

The Plant Certification Program also requires plants that produce non-prestressed architectural concrete and are certified in categories AA and AB to have an employee who holds either (A) both the PCI Level I QC Technician/Inspector certification and the PCI Concrete Mix Design Training Program certificate, or (B) PCI Level III QC Technician/Inspector certification. Plants certified in categories AA and AB that produce prestressed architectural concrete must have an employee who holds either (A) both the PCI Level II QC Technician/Inspector certification and the PCI Concrete Mix Design Training Program certificate, or (B) PCI Level III QC Technician/Inspector certification.

A description of the requirements for each PCI personnel certification, including the pre-requisites and the required skills and knowledge for each, can be found on the PCI Personnel Certification page. A description of the personnel certification process can be found on the How to Become PCI Certified page.

The Level I QC School begins the plant quality control training series, focusing on PCI Certification programs for both plant and personnel. The curriculum was developed for quality control personnel, engineers, technicians/managers, plant managers/ superintendents, consulting engineers, and technicians.

The Level I course covers fundamental concrete topics and mix design concepts, including the water/cementitious ratio, concrete strength, and conventional reinforcement. Candidates must pass the Level I certification examination, with a minimum score of 70% to qualify for Level I personnel certification.

Registrants will receive a copy of the TM-101, Quality Control Technician/Inspector Level I & II Training Manual, plus class notes and reference material.

The Level I QC School is offered in both in-person and online formats.

In Person: The Level I QC School is a one-and-a-half-day course, with the exam scheduled for the second day.

Online: The Level I/II QC school is a 4-day course, from 1:00-5:00 pm CST, Monday to Thursday; the exam is arranged with a proctor of your choice at a later date (proctor fees paid separately). If you are seeking to only sign up for one of the two levels, please contact us directly at

Learn More about Level I Certification

The Level II QC School curriculum continues into intermediate concrete topics and mix design concepts, providing registrants with TM-101, Quality Control Technician/Inspector Level I & II Training Manual, class notes, and extensive reference material.

The Level II course introduces prestressing, and attendees discuss and practice elongation calculations and correction factors. Candidates engage in interactive sessions, such as round-table discussions, practice sessions, and student-instructor interaction. The candidates must pass the Level II certification examination, with a minimum score of 70%, to qualify for Level II personnel certification.

The Level II QC School is offered in both in-person and online formats.

In person: The Level II quality control course is a one-and-a-half-day course with the exam taking place the morning of the second day.

Online: The Level I/II QC school is a 4-day course, from 1:00-5:00 pm CST, Monday to Thursday; the exam is arranged with a proctor of your choice at a later date (proctor fees paid separately). If you are seeking to only sign up for one of the two levels, please contact us directly at

Learn More about Level II Certification

The Level III QC School marks the conclusion of the plant quality control training series, offering distinct advantages through Level III Plant Quality Personnel Certification, distinguishing it from,  Levels I and II. The concepts are advanced and require considerable experience in a precast plant or an advanced Civil Engineering or Technology degree. Registrants will receive TM-103, Quality Control Technician/Inspector Level III Training Manual, along with class notes, and comprehensive reference material.

The Level III course provides a diverse range of activities including round-table discussions, practice sessions, and interactive engagement between students and instructor. In addition to exploring in detail the individual components of concrete (like cement), advanced welding concepts are discussed, and the unique process of harping elongated strands. The candidates must pass the Level III certification examination, with a minimum score of 70% to qualify for  Level III personnel certification.

The Level III QC School is offered in both in-person and online formats.

In Person: The Level III QC School consists of a half-day class session followed by two full days, concluding on the fourth day with the morning exam. 

Online: The Level III QC school is a 4-day course, taking place from 1:00-5:00 pm CST, Monday to Thursday; the exam is arranged with a proctor of your choice at a later date (proctor fees paid separately).

Learn More about Level III Certification

Field Quality Control Technicians

Today's business environment demands a high degree of training and certification in all areas of concrete manufacturing and installation. Customer satisfaction is the principal goal in achieving profitability and a thorough quality control program that extends outside of the plant to the point of install. PCI provides certification for personnel trained to conduct audits of industry erection procedures and PCI standards. Certification helps ensure that the high quality achieved in the plant is maintained throughout installation. PCI Quality Control Schools train to the standards defined by erection manuals MNL-127, Erectors Manual – Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of Precast Concrete Products, and MNL-132, Erection Safety – For Precast and Prestressed Concrete.

PCI Policy 29, PCI Erector Certification Program, requires all erectors to employee a Certified Field Auditor (CFA). CFA certification requires a minimum of two years of precast concrete erection experience and a commitment to upholding professional standards appropriate to the program. The CFA is responsible for conducting the erectors internal field quality audits. Candidates that attain the CFA certification are also included on a list of CFAs that PCI distributes to erector companies. This list is used by erectors participating in the PCI Erector Certification Program. Erectors must contact an external CFA (a CFA not employed by their company) to coordinate an external field audit which will be conducted in compliance to the requirements of the PCI Erector Certification Program.

The program also requires erectors to be audited annually by Certified Company Auditors (CCA) to ensure an erectors compliance to the program’s quality management system documentation and record-keeping standards and requirements.

The Certified Field Auditor (CFA) QC School reviews industry quality and safety standards applicable to the erection of precast concrete members, including OSHA regulations Registrants will receive copies of the MNL-127, Erectors Manual – Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of Precast Concrete Products, and MNL-132, Erection Safety – For Precast and Prestressed Concrete, along with class notes and extensive reference material.

This course provides a valuable opportunity to interface with peers to discuss common issues and share solutions and successes. At the end of the course, the candidate will take a certification examination. The candidate must pass the multiple-choice certification examination with a minimum score of 70% to qualify for CFA personnel certification.

The Certified Field Auditor QC School is offered in both in-person and online formats.

In-person: The Certified Field Auditor (CFA) QC School is a two-and-a-half-day course with the exam on the morning of the third day.

Online: The Level Certified Field Auditor QC school is a 4-day course, taking place from 1:00-5:00 pm CST, Monday to Thursday afternoon; the exam is arranged with a proctor of your choice at a later date (proctor fees paid separately).

Learn More about CFA Certification

The Certified Company Auditor (CCA) QC School is designed for experienced CFA's and serves as a valuable resource for all erectors, including management, to gain a better understanding of the required management system documents and records an erector should be maintained to verify compliance to industry erection standards and PCI requirements. Recommended for new PCI Erector Certification applicants.

The Certified Company Auditor (CCA) course prepares individuals to conduct Company Quality Audits for the PCI Erector Certification Program, to ensure compliance with quality management system documentation and record-keeping standards and requirements. The CCA course reviews concepts of quality assurance, field quality control, effective safety plan, and the components of a safety plan. Registrants will receive copies of the MNL-127, Erectors Manual – Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of Precast Concrete Products, and MNL-132, Erection Safety – For Precast and Prestressed Concrete, plus class notes and extensive reference material.

The course provides a unique opportunity to interface with peers to discuss common issues and share solutions and successes. At the conclusion of the one-day course, the candidate will take a certification examination. The candidate must pass the multiple-choice certification examination with a minimum score of 70%, to qualify for CCA personnel certification.

The Certified Field Auditor QC School is offered in both in-person and online formats.

In-person: The Certified Company Auditor (CCA) QC School is a one-day course.

Online: The Level Certified Company Auditor QC school is a 1-day course, taking place from 1:00-5:00 pm CST, Friday; The exam is scheduled with a proctor of your choice at a later date (proctor fees paid separately).

Learn More about CCA Certification

Registration Fees

Online Schools

Training List Price Gov Agencies PCI Members
Level I/II $1,490 $890 $815
Level I Only  $815 $520 $490
Level II Only  $815 $520 $490
Level III $1,640 $1,040 $965
CFA $1,490 $1,040 $760
CCA $815 $665 $515

In-Person Schools

Training List Price Gov Agencies PCI Members
Level I/II $1,930 $1,130 $1,030
Level I Only  $1,030 $630 $600
Level II Only  $1,030 $630 $600
Level III $2,130 $1,330 $1,230
CFA $1,930 $1,330 $955
CCA $1,030 $830 $630

Schedule and Registration

Courses are listed when scheduling is final. Registration for any individual course will open 3–4 months prior to the start of the course. Course registration includes all course texts and study materials. You will receive your textbook(s) in the mail with your registration confirmation. 

Level I/II

Date(s)LocationRemaining SpotsRegistration Link
March 24 – 27, 2025Online15Register NowQC25MAR1L2
April 15 – 17, 2025Toronto, ON27Register NowQC2025TOR1
May 14 – 16, 2025Chicago, IL30Register NowQC2025CHI1
June 16 – 19, 2025Online42Register NowQC25JUN1L2
August 4 – 7, 2025Online44Register NowQC25AUG1L2
October 22 – 24, 2025Nashville, TN39Register NowQC2025NAS1
November 17 – 20, 2025Online45Register NowQC25NOV1L2

Level III

Date(s)LocationRemaining SpotsRegistration Link
May 13 – 16, 2025Chicago, IL35Register NowQC2025CHI3
July 14 – 17, 2025Online48Register NowQC25JUNL3
October 21 – 24, 2025Nashville, TN39Register NowQC2025NAS3
December 8 – 11, 2025Online50Register NowQC25DECL3

Certified Field Auditor (CFA)

Date(s)LocationRemaining SpotsRegistration Link
April 7 – 10, 2025Online30Register NowQC25APRCFA
August 25 – 28, 2025Online45Register NowQC25AUGCFA

Certified Company Auditor (CCA)

Date(s)LocationRemaining SpotsRegistration Link
April 11, 2025Online45Register NowQC25APRCCA
August 29, 2025Online45Register NowQC25AUGCCA

PCI Proctored Exam Sessions

Date(s)LocationRemaining SpotsRegistration Link
May 16, 2025Chicago, IL40Register NowQCPROCTOR5/16/2025 10:30:00 AM