FINAL REMINDER – Plant and Erector Certification Renewal
Plant and erector certification renewals were due May 31. All producers and erectors should have already renewed their certifications for 2023-24. Failure to complete these processes before the certificates expire on June 30th will result in a lapse in certification status. Plants and erectors who have completed the renewal status can access their certificates through the PCI website.
Instructions for accessing Certification Certificates on Computers/Laptops
- To access your certificate, log into your profile at
- Your Username is your work email address. If you do not know your password, click on the Forgot Password? link.
- After you sign in, click on My Account at the top of the page on the Right. Take a moment to review your account page to be sure your contact information is current.
- Next, click the blue Producer Certification Certificate button. This will open a second window in your browser where you can scroll through the certificates or download and open them in Adobe to print. Note: Click the blue arrow to see all the certificates. The blue arrow is clickable as long as it is Blue, even if the box says only “1 of 1”. Click the Adobe icon and open the file. Scroll through the certificates, which is easier if there are more than a few. Save the Certificate you wish to send to other parties.
Instructions for accessing Certification Certificates on Mobile Devices/Tablets
- To access your certificate, log into the PCI Mobile App (you can find it in your app store by searching for PCI Mobile App, Make sure the app you are about to download has the PCI logo).
- Open the PCI Mobile App.
- If you have not signed in, click the ≡ symbol in the top left corner. Your username and password is the same one you use to log into Your User id will always be your work email.
- Once you are logged in, again select the ≡ symbol. Your name will be listed under the Home button. Click on Home to be taken to your profile. Take a moment to review your profile to be sure your contact information is current.
- On your profile, you will see a Certificates blue button. Click this button to be taken to a new screen that will list up to two certificates per plant/plant you are attached to.
- From the App, you can view the certificate(s), text it, e-mail it, and save it to your phone.
For any questions regarding your plant’s certification status, please contact
Exceptional Precast Practices Deadline is July 1
The deadline for submitting completed Exceptional Precast Practices (EPP) Program surveys is July 1, 2023. This is a voluntary program specifically designed for continuous quality improvement of precast plants.
Companies that have successfully adopted a path of continuous quality improvement typically exhibit a pattern of reduced costs, improved quality, and expanded capabilities. They show growing sales because they better serve the needs of their clients.
There are a variety of continuous quality improvement tools available, but the EPP program is a tool developed specifically for the precast concrete industry. The EPP program, developed by the Quality Enhancement Committee, offers both a roadmap for improvement efforts and milestones for measuring progress.
Here is how this voluntary program works: Your plant fills out the self-assessment survey for each of the seven sections/modules – Productivity, Personnel, Safety, Field operations, Sales and marketing, Sustainable plant, and Concrete. This process allows your plant to not only benchmark where you are today but also review programs of proven worth that other PCI plants find valuable.
That process allows plant personnel to decide on a roadmap for the future. If this process is managed well, that roadmap becomes the goals and programs for improvement, and it provides the basis for accountability for achievement. Your benchmark score allows your plant to actually measure progress from year to year. There is no minimum score required. This is not a contest. Scores will not be published. There is no overall winner. All participants in this voluntary program seriously win. All participating plants are provided with an annual certificate of participation and are recognized at the PCI Committee Days and Technical Conference.
To participate or to read more about the program, click here to access the Member Resources section of the PCI website. To receive recognition at the 2023 Committee Days meetings, completed forms must be returned to PCI by July 1.
Project Surveys for Categories AA and AB
Effective in July, producer plants certified in the AA and AB categories will be required to submit project information to PCI that will facilitate a PCI-distributed survey to the architect and GC/CM upon completion of a project. Plants should expect to receive an email outlining these requirements and a request to designate specific plant contacts who will complete the survey requests and have access to the results.
The survey requirement applies to all completed projects that are specified as category AA or AB with more than 5000 ft2 (465 m2) of wall panel area. Concurrent with implementing this requirement, Category AA and AB plants will be invoiced $3,000 for the annual surcharge for these surveys, as described in the Architectural Certification Program Supplemental Requirements
The Architectural Certification Program Supplemental Requirements describes a paper process for submitting this project information. An online survey system is currently being finalized and will be available shortly to designated plant staff through the PCI website. Further information will be provided directly to the AA and AB-certified plants when the software access has been completed.
As described in the Supplemental Requirements, the Category AA and AB surcharge is intended to cover the cost of implementing and administering the project survey program. These costs will be reviewed on an annual basis and the surcharge adjusted accordingly.
REMINDER - Erector Field Quality Audits Due July 15
PCI Policy 29, Erector Certification Program, requires that certified erectors must submit a Field Quality Audit Report AND an Erectors Post-Audit Declaration for each primary erection crew once each half of the calendar year if that crew erected precast for more than 60 days during the period. Copies of the FQARs for the first half of 2023 are due no later than July 15. If the crew did not meet the 60-day threshold, a letter to that effect must be submitted. All FQARs, EPADS, and letters should be emailed to Please note that the EPAD is required even if no nonconformances were noted in the FQAR, as the EPAD serves as confirmation that the erector has received and reviewed the FQAR.
Key Feature Points for Architectural Recertification
Plants with certification in the architectural group are required to demonstrate continued capability in their certification category by achieving a minimum number of key feature points every two years. This will be administered using a rolling two-year period, based upon the last four regular audit cycles (semi-annual), after the initial two-year certification period.
Points are tracked on a rolling basis rather than for a fixed, defined period, after the initial two-year certification period. This ensures that plants will have four opportunities to demonstrate the required points, as the regular audits are conducted at approximately six-month intervals. Special audits, such as those conducted for category changes, etc., are not counted as part of the four audits, although a plant could get points if an eligible product was observed during one of these special audits.
Depending upon the timing of their audits and when the initial certification was issued, a plant may not have their fourth audit until after the two-year anniversary of their initial certification date. It is also possible that a plant may have four or even five audits, depending upon the timing. In any case, the certification will continue through the four regular audits or two years from the date of initial certification, whichever occurs later.
The key features to be demonstrated for each category are listed in the respective chapters of the Architectural Certification Program Supplemental Requirements. Of course, the preferred way to get the points is to be able to show products in production or storage that have the required features. Plants that are short of points as their two-year mark is approaching and do not expect to have production that will provide the required points can construct one or more mockup panels. There are two options for mockup panels:
- Construct one or more of the mockup panels fabricated for initial certification, as shown in the Architectural Certification Program Supplemental Requirements, for the plant’s certification category.
- Construct a mockup panel of the plant’s own design with appropriate key features to demonstrate their continued capabilities and earn the necessary points.
In either case, the drawings and mix designs for the mockup panel must be submitted for review well in advance of when the panel will be constructed, just as was required with initial category certification. This will allow time for review, to ensure the panel meets the eligibility criteria and would provide the necessary points.
Please forward suggestions for future quality-related articles for this newsletter to Mike Kesselmayer at