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Georgia/Carolinas PCI
AASHTO / PCI Standard Bridge Products
PCI Bridge Design Manual - Appendixes B + C
This PDF excerpt from the PCI Bridge Design Manual, 3rd Edition, includes: APPENDIX B: AASHTO / PCI STANDARD PRODUCTS (Including: Solid and Voided Slab Beams; Box Beams; I-Beams; Bulb Tees; Deck Bulb Tees; Double Tee Beams; Standard Segment for Span-by-Span Construction; and Standard Segment for Balanced Cantilever Construction) APPENDIX C: PCI REGIONAL PRODUCTS (Including: NEXT D Beams; NEXT F Beams; and PCI Zone 6 (SE Region) Spliced U-Girders)
PCI Regional Bridge Products
PCI Zone 6 (SE Region) Curved Spliced U-Girders
PCI-Certified Plants in Zone 6 (Southeast) formed a task group to develop and promote a series of concepts, drawings and details that illustrate to owners, engineers and contractors the information necessary to utilize these solutions which have been successfully implemented on a number of projects. The development of the precast concrete U-beam has enabled the PCI-Certified plants to offer an economical structural design solution for both long span and curved transportation structures to carry vehicular and rail traffic.
Producer Member Transportation Products
G/C PCI Producer Member Transportation Products
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